Al Jizzi Transformers and Switchgears Company SAOC

is a leading Omani company in the electric power sector, with strong expertise in design, engineering, manufacturing and development, offering high quality products catering to the Sultanate of Oman and regional electric power distribution companies and oil & gas operators.

Who We Are
Al Jizzi Transformers & Switchgears SAOC, an ISO 9001:2015 Omani company established in November 1996, is one of the first full fledge…
To remain the manufacturer of choice and contribute to the electrification plans of the Sultanate of Oman first, along with other GCC, Middle Eastern…
To continuously improve production and products and positively improve consumption. To attract and develop talent within jurisdiction(s) where we operate.…
Special Transformers like Converter and Earthing.
Fixed Speed Drive Transformers for well head application ( 6, 12 & 18 Pulse )
Variable Speed Drive Transformers for well head application ( 6 , 12 & 18 Pulse )
Package Substation with RMU (Type of Insulation: SF-6/Oil) & LV Feeder Pillar.
Transformer Skids with LV Feeder Pillar & RMU.
Plants & Facilities

AJTS Operates Two Manufacturing Facilities over 11,000 sqm in The Muscat Maabella Area with a net production area covering 6,500 sqm

Plant II

Specialized for 500KVA and above, special transformers and packaged substations

Plant I

Specialized for pole mounted transformers

Achievements & Certificates

We are committed to a policy of providing products and customer service that meet or exceed our customer needs and expectations consistent with our own industry standards and regulations

Portfolio of Clients
Historical Milestones

Acquiring new markets. Signing of third PDO 5 years contract and resuming export


Acquisition by VQ One Power SAOC


Commenced new plant commercial production


Signing of second PDO 5 years contract


Construction of new plant and approval of 6MVA rating


Signing of first PDO 5 years contract


Acquisition by Al Nasser Industries (ANIE)


Established production unit 1